My Blog List

Summer Reading List Share

Here's an amazing summer reading resource for all Pond Covers!  I hope everyone is having fun and reading up a storm.

Digital Drawing with Scott Nash

Students in grades three and four had the thrill of learning how to use their iPads to draw by the master, author-illustrator Scott Nash.  As if he wasn't enough of a rock star to Pond Covers before this!

Thank you so much to the PCPA for supporting our Visiting Author/ Illustrator Program!

Let the Games Begin! Chickadee Madness at Pond Cove


Welcome to the first annual Chickadee Madness Tournament at Pond Cove.  This week, we'll take classroom votes on book pairs, until we narrow it down to the final face-off on Friday.  Who will it be?  I can't wait to find out.

The bracket for Chickadee Madness is between the Art and Health rooms!  Come take a peek.  Updated daily!
Were you absent for one of the read alouds?  You can click on this below to hear today's contenders.

Day 1 Face-Offs:  A BOY & A JAGUAR vs. WHO WAS HERE?


                      HANA HASHIMOTO, 6TH VIOLIN vs. FIREFLY JULY